Upgrade e812 to e900 SQL Server different collations.


We installed JDE OneWorld e900 on new servers with SQL Server 2008/R2 with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS ,when we ran e900 platform pack on new database server it created all the databases with Latin1_General_CI_AS_WS.

1. The system databases (Master, model, msdb. tempdb) were installed with SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
2. The installation planner (e900) created all databases with Latin1_General_CI_AS_WS.
3. When we refresh e900/JDE_DEVELOPMENT database with e812/ JDE_DEVELOPMENT. It changed the collation on e900 dev database to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

Now my system (Master, model, msdb. tempdb databases), business and Central/system databases are on different collations.
Will it be a problem if my business data on collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and Central/system databases are on Latin1_General_CI_AS_WS?
Does it cause any issue while running the upgrade plan from e812/SQL2005 to e900/SQL2008 because e812 is on collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and e900 central and system databases are on Latin1_General_CI_AS_WS?
Thanks for your help in advance!!

I voted for both, because it was hard to choose between 4 and 4.
On the other hand congratulation, that you found the "most appropriate" forum of JDEList for your issue.

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