Upgrade Care Program



Reputable Poster
Has anyone looked/assessed the Peoplesoft 'upgrade care program'? I am
looking at the FAQ (link below) and cannot really see the benefit of =
other than getting a discount of one of the workshops (if you spend more
than 100k in the upgrade).=20
One thing I noticed as well was that the supplemental support for Xe
(support past Feb '05) is only available for purchase to clients who are =
this upgrade program. It doesn't appear that you can purchase support =
for Xe
if you are not in the program.
What is the timeframe of everyone upgrading? My company has not even
started to discuss it as they are waiting for the Oracle/Peoplesoft =
to come to some type of resolution, so my best guess is maybe late '05 =


Xe, Update6 SP22_S1
SQL2k SP2, WIN2k SP4
Metaframe XPe SP3

We received a letter from Peoplesoft about Peoplesoft's Upgrade Care program. The letter was very vague and didn't mention the things you had to do to get the extended XE support. I then found the FAQ sheet on Customer Connection and I don't see any benefit since we are doing the upgrade ourselves with some minor assistance from a consultant.

I had heard that when support ends for XE, XE will be removed from the support center systems so they will not be able to reproduce any problems reported. If anyone signs up for this upgrade care program then they will have to keep XE on their systems. That would be a good thing. In my opinion, I think this program is good for Peoplesoft and not the customer.

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