Unable to checkin In BV Randomly

Soul Glo

Soul Glo

VIP Member

Has anyone seen this before.....I only noticed this about a week or so ago...I created a version in BV by copying another base JDE version I cot no errors, however when I went into advanced and tries to check the version in all the buttons were grayed out. I checked security and it was fine. I checked the F983051, F9860 and F9861 and there was no record of the version.

I re-copied the JDE version again and was able to check it in. Today this happened to one of our users. Now I think if you create a version and submit the specs before checking the version that will prevent you from checking it in, but I don't think she did that. The JDE.log had nothing.

Any comments.
Re: Unable to checkin In BV Ramdomly

Speaking about Version Control (see previous threads on both Xe & Developers forums) ... I would use the OMW to check-in a new version; it seems to be more reliable than BV.
Re: Unable to checkin In BV Ramdomly

Generally we do but some of our powerusers use BV because they are familar with it. I was just curious as to if anyone seen this before.
Re: Unable to checkin In BV Ramdomly


When you get the error trying to check in the batch version, has a version with the same name already been created ANYWHERE? In other words, did someone else create a version with the same name but maybe just left it local on their PC? I've run into this in the past and this is what caused me problems. Maybe this will help in your case, too.
Re: Unable to checkin In BV Ramdomly

I think I got it solved.....I think DEV was messed up on her PC and also if you create a version and submit the specs before checking the version in then it will not let you check it in. Why I don't know yet....if anyone has an explaination for this let me know.

I may log a call with JDE to hear what they have to say.
There is an ESU for bv (P98305). It got pulled twice so I can't give you an ESU number. One of the SARs deal with buttons being grayed out.
Do you remember the Original SAR or ESU....I did apply an OMW ESU way back at least 4 months or so ago, but this only just started happening....I am hoping that it was a flux.
This was a Bug caused by Update 6 to oneWorld Xe. See SAR 6075142. It is fixed by ESU JD16172. Take care on install, you will get a warning that the B9600423 cannot compile because F96412.h is missing from the ESU. This cause no problems. Just ignore the error and proceed. This fixes the problems.

You generally don't want your Expert Users in OMW for Check-In Check-Out so I would only treat that as a workaround until you get the ESU in.


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