UBE on server and ftp


VIP Member
When a user opens a .pdf that is stored on the Unix server, what process is used to do the file transfer...from server to client? We are going to re-write all of our ftp processes and I was wondering if ftp was the method used. Thanks in advance for any input.

Interesting question. I doubt it is FTP as that would assume that either a) an FTP account is set up on the server and that the client knows the password or b) that the server has anonymous FTP set up. I don't think either can be assumed.

Therefore it seems most likely that the PDF is sent using jdenet - jde's proprietary protocol.
I agree with Jolly.
I know of one situation where FTP is used, though.
When you use WEB and the JAVA-Server is non-windows you need to set up ftp
for media objects to be transferred between the deployment server and the

Thanks, Gerd

B732 - ERP8, Unix, Windows, Oracle, SQL, WTS, JAS
Another option is to consider writing a kernel program and attached to the printer as a conversion string. This would work too.
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