UBE - Changes not applied in Test Environment after build/deployment


Active Member
JDE OnewWorld XE; Version: B7333

In the development einvrionment I changed a 'Set User Selection' in the initialization event of a UBE section from '<None>' to '<And>' because some of the recrods weren't being selected in the query. The change tested successfully in the development environment, but the change did not test successfully in the test environemnt after a successful build/deployment. I am at a loss as to why the changes weren't applied in the test environment (I confirmed this by looking at the code in the test environment). I tried moving the object from the project to a new project with the same result.

Does anyone have any idea(s) as to the cause?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Someone may have followed the horrifying practice of modifying code at the version level in which case any changes you made at the UBE Template level would be ignored ...

To test create a new version (don't copy existsing) and test using the new version.
Yeah.. as Larry quoted, Either you might have modified Report @ Version level instead of template OR the version you tested in "Test Environment" might have version overrides which doesn't reflect your template level changes...
Look out !!!
If you are adding an additional selection parameter, keep in mind that the <And> <Or> <None> operates *before* the test. In other words, your first test normally would have <None>, then an added second test would be the one needing the <And>, like this:
0004 Set Selection Append Flag(<No>)
0005 Set User Selection(BC Address Number (F0618)(AN8), <Equal To>, VA rpt_mnOutAddrNum_AN8, <None>)
0006 Set User Selection(BC Fiscal Year (F0618)(FY), <Equal To>, VA rpt_mnPriorYear_FY, <And>)
Changing the first test from <None> to <And> should have no effect. Hope this helps...
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