Trigger on Table not running from Table Conversion


Active Member

I have a Table with a Trigger on the BeforeRecordIsInserted event. I'm using this table on a Table Conversion as the output table, so that event should be executed in every insert.
However, it is not doing this, the table conversion inserts the table but never calls the trigger.
From other places the trigger works normally.

Does Triggers on Table Conversion work?

My config is JDE 9.1 Oracle database

About document, I had read it, but I don't understand why under that step "4.2.2 Adding Table Event Rules to Table Conversions" it explains how to add a trigger on a table, where is there anything about Table Conversion?


Does the JDE Table Trigger work with inserts from other sources (in JDE) apart from the table conversion? Is the table on which the trigger has been created a standard JDE table or a custom table. Please keep in mind that Oracle advises against using JDE Table triggers on JDE system tables.
Hi Peter,

The trigger was created on a custom table, and it only run a bsfn to get a value and assign it to a table field to be inserted.
It works well from any insert except when it is done into the table conversion, I don't understand why.

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