tool to debug


hi : newbie in JDE. Try to learn how to debug issue. I knew the UBE can generate a log file like jdedebug.log or JDE trace. Any suggest on how to understand these log files? Any tool or just open it with notepad? Any suggestion will help

You can use tools like Notepad++ which are very helpful in opening big and large debug log files . Tips to search for issue in log files - search using keywords like errors , fail , unable , exception , return value is 2 (for business functions 2 means error 1 means warning) ,pretty much should help in finding issues . Start dumping to see BSFN params input output values etc . Performance WB to pass jdedebug log through them to see which proces sis taking time to decide on sequencing , indexes , moving to NER etc . One of everest software OWDLC will help in getting logs locally too for applications as well , easy to use , clean , this tool also helps in clearing cache , siz dddict files and all ...

Hope this helps and best of luck .
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