time seeting

Jaise James

Reputable Poster
Hi I have all my servers in East coast..I am seeing a strange issue that after 7PM, the date on html client is showing as the next day. Any idea what could be causing this issue
There used to be a Java bug affecting this. What are you running? It sounds like it's showing UTC timestamps...
At 19:00 EST the UK (GMT/UTC) has just gone midnight. When you say that the web client is showing the next day do you mean the Date Chooser popup calendar control? That date is controlled by the browser since it is rendered by some JavaScript. Are your browsers published via Citrix? If so it might be that the Citrix server or the user profile on the server is set to a GMT timezone.

We are running 9.1 on tools release All my servers are in Eastcoast and We are able to duplicate this on both local IE and Published IE on citrix..

Interestingly, we are on e810 while we are upgrading this to 9.1 I saw the same issue on 8.10 web client.. but not on Fat client.

Yes its the calendar functionality that's defaulting to Future date

Both client and the server have time zone of Eastern Time ( US & Canada)
I know you had mentioned all servers are on the East coast however if this is only an issue on the web client what is the time zone on the webserver (weblogic or webshere) server?

I am guessing this is not part of the issue but I have worked with a location where the day changed occurred for manufacturing at 7 because they worked 12 hour shifts from 7 to 7. That was within the manufacturing module and not the system date/time however.

Good luck tracking it down.
Hi I checked the time on web server and it was local time zone only
This is a time zone setting at the user level.
On 8.12, it is set in P0092. The 'Universal Time' chooses a timezone as listed in H92/TZ.
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