Tiered Deployment Server


Well Known Member
Is anybody deploying server packages to a tiered deployment server. I am trying to but when deploying from the dep server I am getting the following error in the jde.log file ERROR: Compressed file not found in \\KAKA\B7333\PY7333\package\PY7333FA\INTEL5.0\bin32. A Server package must be compressed before it can be deployed.
I am a little confused with this error message because while this is the path where the .pak files for the server package are stored during the build process they are cleaned out at the end.
Do you have to set any special flags when building a package for it to leave the .pak files behind?
Server package to another deployment server? Are you trying to deploy a server package to a remote enterprise server, an enterprise server where your second deployment server is located?

Or are you trying to deploy a package to the second deployment server for installation on other client workstations?

I don't recall that deploying a server package to another deployment server is even an option. If I may ask, could you state again what you are trying to accomplish and the steps to recreate the error?

BTW, a server package is not compressed before it is deployed. The .PAK files are transferred to the enterprise server when the server package is built. When you deploy a server package, all that happens is that the resulting spec and .DLL files are copied from the package directory on the enterprise server (where the package was built) to the path code directory of the target enterprise server. No deployment server should be involved when deploying a server package on Windows 2000.
I'm not sure what you mean by tiered deployment server. However, there is a document on the KG about copying packages to CD's for deployment. First you setup the CD burner PC as a secondary deployment server, then you deploy the package from the main deployment server to the other. Before you copy the package to the CD, you have to change the path in the package.inf file. You might need to look at updating your package.inf files on your tiered deployment server.
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