Text Overrides



Well Known Member
Hi List,

We're currently on the implementation stage (setups/test) and i'm kinda at a loss on how to change the description on those category codes and displaying it on the web client (e.g. business unit catcodes, item catcodes, etc...) Anybody can help list down the steps. The tools documentation is pretty hard to comprehend (at least for me).

Another thing is if this is part of the DD how do i know which DD to look for, cause doing a search sometimes displays more than one results.

Is this the correct term (text override) cause i'm confused on text vs vocabulary vs jargon....


Hope I can help. What you are reffering to is a Vocabulary Override. Basically a Vocabulary Override changes the display text for a data dictionary item on 1 form, wheras if you change the text directly on the data dictionary item, it changes in every place that the DD item is used (unless, of course, the form has a Vocabulary Override). If you want to change it everywhere, change the DD item directly, if you want to change on just a few (or one) form, use a vocabulary override).

I'm sure you know about deleting the DDTEXT and DDDICT spec files, correct??

If you want to know which item to look for, simply right click on the field and then click What's This, at the bottom of the popup in parenthisis, you will need to data item listed.

Hope this helps.
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