Table Conversion


Hi list,

While using foreign tables during data conversion, I am getting an error.... " Binary data type not implemented" Numeric data is converted but char and other stuff doesn't. I/p tables r from SQL 7.0 to JDE table, on XE DEMO.

Anybody any inputs...


I am not sure I understood your problem, Tushar.
You say something about DEMO & SQL 7.0
As far as I know, DEMO uses an Access database; did you create the foreign tables in Access, as links to other SQL Server tables?
Please, elaborate.

Adrian Chimirel
Programmer Analyst
LIVE: B732.1 SP12.2, Oracle 806
RS/6000, Citrix, 200+ clients
Well, I am using XE DEMO on a standalone. I know it uses Access, but what I am trying to do in get some data into my JDE table trhu table conversion. I am setting up ODBC, Oneworld enviornment , data sources and all that. The problem is , when I run my table conversion for which the i/p tables are the SQL 7.0 tables and the output tables are JDE tables I get this particular error. "Binary data type not implemented" .

No. I did not create any links to Access. I setup an datasource for SQL.

I am not sure if it's a problem with me using XE DEMO!!!!

I hope it's clear now..
Yeah, it's clear now ...
1 - I guess you have an ODBC problem - maybe the driver version, MDAC ... sorry I can't help with that, I would verify the KG for the Xe requirements related to SQL Server 7.0.
2 - Do not hesitate to open a call with RL; you never know ...
3 - Until then, just for the taste of playing with TC, could you do an import in Access and then a TC from Access foreign table to Access JDE table? What I did to get an as close as possible to the JDE format table? I imported the JDE target table structure, gave it the i/p table name, populated it and so on. If you have the time, it could be interesting to find out if the Access to Access conversion works ...
Good luck!

Adrian Chimirel
Programmer Analyst
LIVE: B732.1 SP12.2, Oracle 806
RS/6000, Citrix, 200+ clients

I did try out Access to Access conversion (JDE table). What i did was create a file with few fields in OW. I imported my SQL table into access , setup odbc and stuff and it works clean. Haven't tried any complex things on it but just pulling data into OW.

I wasn't able to import the Employee table from Northwind database in SQL 7.0 into Access. It gave me error...field length too small... But i was able to import the other tables. Any inputs on this ? Also anything about "Binary data type not supported " error ....!!!
Glad to hear it!
A) As far as I know, Microsoft has a SQL Server KG; there is also a very competent SQL Server newsgroup (Outlook Express helped me finding it)! Check them out!
B) Dear JDEListers_SQLServer_guru(a), somebody out there, we need some HELP! This week, please!
What can you tell us about:
1- field length too small and
2 - binary data type not supported errors?

PS Did you identify what field from Employee is generating these errors?

Adrian Chimirel
Programmer Analyst
LIVE: B732.1 SP12.2, Oracle 806
RS/6000, Citrix, 200+ clients
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