TAB Sequence Not Workking


Legendary Poster
Two things,

Informative insight - I've copied P4210 to P564210... and the P564210 is heavily modded...

First, As a developer, I can open the forms - and the forms can be maximized to fit my whole monitor. However, when a user (on either FAT or Citrix Client) opens the forms - the form does not expand to fit the entire monitor. I have played with this a lot - and have concluded that, short of a labotamy, I cannot find the answer on my own.

Second, Same P564210, I change the TAB sequences of a form, save, check in, ... do everything imaginable... but when the form is run, the TAB sequences do not change. I am not loosing hair over this (it's soon to be hunting season, I need that hair to keep me warm), but I am don't understand why...


Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x

This may seem stupid of me to say. But just in case, did you assemble,
build and deploy a package?

Best regards,
Larry Williams
Attachmate Corporation
(425) 649-6594
[email protected]
XE SP15.1 /w AS/400 coexistance.
ok, found the fix for both... here's the skinny.

With regard to forms not proportionally expanding to fill the screen when the screen is maximized. I use 1280x1024 for my development machine... the form was, basically 800+ in length... When a user (1024x768) would open the screen - it was already maximized (because the form was already too long for his screen)... I made the grid and everything else fit inside of 1024x768 and all works well

Regarding the tab sequences... I needed to select the property "Default Cursor on Add Mode" to make it work correctly. This seems to be odd behaviour - not really logical...

ok... now you know what I think I know... good luck!

Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x
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