Suppress Decimals for display for URAT field


We had to use URAT field in F4301/F4311 to store a reference number. The issue is that, when displaying the reference number on the form, it is displaying the decimals as well (This is because of the DD property - Display Decimals). I do not what to display the decimals on the form. (Changing the DD Display Decimals property is not an option) I tried to use DD overrides and set Display Decimals to 0, but still the field on the form is displayed with decimals.

Guys, any help here is greatly appreciated.

Hi RajMandali,

Welcome aboard of JDEList.

You have not attached your relase, SP/TS, etc. information.

There are several Business Function to play with Display Decimals, mainly Decimal Trigger* BSFNs.

Just search for:
Decimal Trig*
in the Description of the BSFN search form.

If you want use the trigger function with CRCD, then define a dummy Currency Code for this job with Zero display decimals in the Currency Master and use this CRCD for this purpose. In this case you can also extend the Currency Conversion is On table trigger event of the affected tables with this BSFN call with this CRCD for URAT.

If you have entry URAT control or grid column field on one or more form, then maybe the display decimals won't be correct first time, when you enter the value. In this case, you should also call the BSFN, e.g. in the Exited & Changed* event or elsewhere.

Please, let us know, does it a solution for you?


Did you try an edit code. Try using an edit code override of an "M"
Hi Zoltan,

Thanks for your reply. But basically here is the issue I am having. I have URAT (BVSW field) in the grid. We are using that field to store a reference number. The user wants to search on grid by the reference number. When I enter 123 in the QBE, it displays 123.00 in the grid. I tried to shift the decimal by 2 places right and then divide by 100 and still the result is the same. How can I override the display decimal property of the URAT data item? I tried in the GC property override and set display decimal to 0 and it is not working. Any Ideas you want to share, that would be great.

Unfortunately there's no Edit Code option available on FDA as it is in RDA
Ady (Adrian) is right, and Zero Balance property of Edit Code suppress only zero value, do not suppress decimals when the value is not zero.


If its an interactive application, I believe you can write your own BSFN and specify it as the custom procedure for the Edit Rule in the DD Overrides dialog for GC vars and as the custom procedure for the Formatting DD override on FC vars. Be careful as this can affect the QBE functionality.

Actually as I was writing this I think I found the BSFN I used to do it, I'll attach it. You can modify/add your own format functions by calling the internal function with the different options. Also, this is the Xe version, so it will need to be converted to be Unicode compatible.


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Thanks everybody for your inputs. I think I will have to suggest an alternative to the users to search on QBE. I will update you how it goes.
We had to use URAT field in F4301/F4311 to store a reference number. The issue is that, when displaying the reference number on the form, it is displaying the decimals as well (This is because of the DD property - Display Decimals). I do not what to display the decimals on the form. (Changing the DD Display Decimals property is not an option) I tried to use DD overrides and set Display Decimals to 0, but still the field on the form is displayed with decimals.

Guys, any help here is greatly appreciated.

I got the same functionality from my client.
could you please help me out.
how I can resolve it
If you can't get it to work with standard DD override options, write you own custom DD edit and/or display rule and set that on the DD override.
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