E9.1 Stop Shipment to Customer Based on Product Specifications


Well Known Member
We have several products that are shared across different companies. In Company 20, the product is not allowed to have product above X levels; however, Company 30 is okay with any level. Our challenge is that if a product tests above X level, we don't want the product to be shipped to Company 20. If I put the lot on hold, Company 30 does not see this as available inventory. If we don't put the lot on hold, there is a danger of shipping to Company 20.

Are there any ideas to help us out? We do use a third party WMS system, but are trying to find a JDE solution to ensure visibility.

Thanks in advance.
Hi, I suggest you the tip of mandatory advanced price adjustment which can be used to effectively block a sales. By finding out relevant item/customer/order group "excluding" 20 company customers, it could suit! Mathieu
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