ST/OT Sales Transfers dropping lines from OT


Active Member
Can you help with a problem we have with sales transfers? When we ship the ST sales order and the goods are ready to be receipted into the receiving branch plant, the purchase order is missing the lines from the sales order? We are currently using Adv Transport, and have lot control, so the line gets split into lot numbers on despatch. When we go to receipt the OT, it has not been updated with the lines on the sales transfer. Has anyone had this issue before? This causes the user to have to manually type in each lot number received. It doesn't happen all the time, but is starting to become more frequent. Any ideas?
Check the ledger to see if the lines are add ons. When the ST/OT gets created initially the ST and OT should match. If the user goes into the ST via P4211 and adds lines it will not automatically add the new lines to the OT. If any changes are done the user should use P4242 to prevent these problems.

Kristin Alzak
JDE A7.3.8
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