Setting filtering within the same table with different fields


Active Member
Hi, I need to check if PDGLC <> PDOBJ within F4311, if not equal, will pick the record. . I can create sql command using native connection into JDE SQL to do the filtering but when I use the Peoplesoft Integration from JDE, it throw me 'Failed to open rowset' and 'Query Engine Error : 'Failed to process query, as the query contains unsupported selection criteria.'

Anyone encounter this issue before using Peoplesoft Integration on 8.12?

I tested the logic using Crystal with E1 ODA and it works fine. But there's no ODA on the Crystal Server.
Why would you do that? (use a SQL command in Crystal)

In the record selection formula (Crystal) just put:


Its that simple - no need to use a SQL command in Crystal.

Unless I'm not understanding your problem?
Hi, you got my question wrong. I was using Peoplesoft Integration and hit the error. So I revert back to native SQL to test what is the error. Native SQL works fine. Anyway, I logged call to Response Line and know what? SAR coming to fix it. Problem should be on the Integration side.
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