Sending Crystal Reports thru Createform

Cathy Wilbur

Well Known Member
Has anyone out there done much working sending Crystal reports thru Createform to be processed?

We are starting to do this with very simple one line detail reports but now they want to use CreateForm burst and bind function with more complex Crystal reporting.

Has anyone had much success doing this?

Please advise.

We've never explored using CreateForm with Crystal, hopefully someone else on JDEList has.

In case CreateForm can't meet your needs, take a look at Visual Cut. It's a very inexpensive software package (under $500) that can take a Crystal Report and burst it out to many different people, send emails, publish files to a network with many formats (PDF, Excel...) etc. Saved us TONS of time, pretty much automated a big chunk of our reporting.
We actually have got Crystal already working with CreateForm 6.0. But only for very simple one line detail reports.

Was wondering if anyone has taken it a step further and got it to work with more complex crystal reports. I have two complex Crystal reports that we want to send from Crystal to Createform 6.0 then bind them back together.

Problem is that the crystal report that I need to split and then bind back together has the key to bind in the set header not in the page header. Am looking at maybe trying to get the output from crystal dumping in csv format so I can work with it.

Also, the report has some summary totals in the set footer that I want to keep with its key group so I am assuming if I define the report properly with CSV output I can define all the different section type lines in createform.
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