Self-Service Time Entry for Xe



We implemented Employee Self-Service for Benefit Enrollment in 2008 and would like to roll out Self-Service Time Entry this year. It has been difficult to find documentation in Xe. We believe we are missing UBE P051129 "Manager Review & Approval" program. Using Change Assistant, we are not able to identify an ESU which might have included this as a new application.

Any assistance in finding documentation or information about the P051129 application would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Jeff

I don't believe the newer self service time entry programs (which includes P051127 for time entry and P051129 for manager approval) were made available for Xe. They started at ERP 8.

We implemented both several years ago and use them now in production on Xe. At the time we had a demo version of ERP 8 that included the base code and we swapped specs to get the code back to Xe. Of course, we were on our own as far as any updates, fixes, etc (which is not much different from any other module anyway).

If you are interested in running with an unsupported set of programs, you could probably look into something similar.
It appears that we have the applicaions which use the F06116Z1 table but don't have the Manager Approval program. We had talked about doing something similar or writing a simple application to manage the approval process. I think your method is the way to go.

Not having done this before, exactly how did you accomplish this task? What other concerns would we need to consider? Naming conventsions?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Jeffrey
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