Security Refresh during upgrade

Jaise James

Reputable Poster

How are you handling Security refresh during the upgrade. I ran the initial upgrade almost 8 months ago. I am preparing to do are fresh prior to go live. If I run the R98403 to copy following tables F0092/F00921/F0093/F95921/F00926/F00950/F98owpu/F98owsec , It only works, if I set the PO 9 to Y ( append). I will like to refresh everything from 8.10 - 9.1 not just add new records as user password might have changed. How are you handling this?
We have used SQL to handle most of this. You can convert those tables through an upgrade plan to a second location in your 9.1 instance and then move the data around as needed. Specific to the passwords we refreshed just the BLOB column in F98OWSEC where a user account existed in both.
[email protected]
Hi Matt,

I am comfortable using SQL to copy the data from 8.10 to 9.1 However, my concern was F98owsec and F98owpu. I believe both has passwords stored in Blob format. Did you use R98403 to copy them or did you copy them using SQL itself.

Problem that I have is that R98403 is only working with Append ( option 9). it does not work, If I want to do entire refresh. One way I can do is by deleting records using SQL in the target and hopefully append will wok just like insert as target will be empty.
We were using an Oracle DB so that may make a difference. The CNC group ran F98OWSEC through the conversion program and pointed it to SVM900 instead of SY900. As you know, the F98OWPU is created during the conversion. This entire table was copied to SY900 to replace the previous version. I then used SQL to copy the password blob field from F98OWSEC in SVM900 to the F98OWSEC in SY900. Drop me a private note if you want more details on how it worked.
[email protected]
Unless you want multiple system users in F98OWPU cant you just create the system user manually?

On go-live last November, we re-imported the F98OWSEC and replicated the changes the we made for previouse test imports (new system users etc). This was done by our upgrade partner and our DBAs, I was not diectly involved, so I'm not aware of, or cannot recall all the details.
My Question really is that I need to refresh all the users not just the new one ... Since we have password policy to expire password after 3 months.. The password those were moved to 9.1 are old. I need to move the latest password. Hence I need to move F98owsec to 9.1 However current R98403 will not allow me to move it as it only appends records
I am thinking of truncating F98owsec fist and then run R98403. Even in Append mode it should move all the records. Any one see any issue with this

I don't see any issue with what you propose, but I am not a full CNC and I have never used the R98403.
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