Seat License - Is there a better way to clean them up


Hey all,
Happy Holidays! We've run into this before, but forgot how we resolved it last time. We have 112 seat license, and they've been used up. A good quarter of these are machines that no longer exist. I can't seem to find a way in P98538 (License usage App) to clear them, and clearing them from P9654A (Work with Locations/Machines) doesn't clear the license. The official resolution I got from JDE a couple years back was to reset the server licenses with a new code, and then go around to each client and reset its client license. That second part would be way too time consuming. There has to be a better option.

Also how do you all handle these issues? Do you uninstall JDE every time before retiring a old machine or reinstalling windows? Is there a better alternative (or at least an alternative?)

John Durham
B7334 Upd1 SP 23PJ1

We have 95 active fat clients at our site.

We do uninstall JDE from each computer before retiring them. If we forget, or a hard drive crashes, we take another computer and name it the old computer name, install JDE then uninstall JDE to remove the license from the system. If you have the PC on your desk, you can keep an eye on it and work it in between other tasks since most of the time will be spent on waiting for the install to load. You just work your way down the list of computer names.

It may be a coin toss between resetting the server and my suggestion above in your case since you have so many to do. I think it would depend on how quickly you need all those licenses back. If you need a lot of them immediately, resetting the server may be best.

Some tips for using our process:
- create an icon on the desktop that runs OneWorld Client Install\Setup.exe
- make sure that any antivirus software is turned off on the PC since it significantly slows the install time

Good Luck,

I haven't heard of any better solutions. We typically follow the same procedure Jer mentions above. It's a PITA but slightly less of a PITA than resetting the licenses.
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