Schuler under ERP8


VIP Member
Hi List,
I have two clients that went Live on ERP8 recently. Both reported the same problem to me, so I start to think it's a general issue.
We set up a new job in the OW scheduler and it creates the first 5 records for re-runs. After these 5 reccurrences ran it stops, it does not create new occurrences for the job.
The job had a reccurrence of several times a day and was set to never expire. When we specify a time that it expires it seems to be creating recurrencess up til that date.
Has anybody else seen this under ERP8/SP22 ?

This happens on Windows as well as AS400 servers.

Thanks for any ideas, Gerd

ERP8, SP22, Windows and AS400 ES, WTS clients
try to apply this ESU JE1128 (maube now the name is change, check on Update Center). Apply it on all environments e deploy packages to Enterprise Server. I had the same problem and this ESU solves it.
Good Luck
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