Saving Paper Copies of Purchases Orders


The Purchasing Group of my company maintains paper copies of all Purchase Orders. They complain about the significant effort that it takes to keep these files accurate but when I ask them what it would take to relie upon the JDE as the record, they say that is is a Regulatory requirement that can only be addressed with paper.

This strikes me as odd. I wonder, does anyone out there rely solely upon their computer records? If so, how do you sell this to people who are most comfortable with paper records.

On the other side, if you use paper back-ups, please let me know why this is necessary.
Good Morning Tony, we have mills across Canada and we don't keep paper=20
copies of PO's, everything is done on line. If a paper copy is needed=20
they just print it when necessary.
Not sure if it makes a differance if you are in the US.=20


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Subject: Saving Paper Copies of Purchases Orders

The Purchasing Group of my company maintains paper copies of all Purchase=20
Orders. They complain about the significant effort that it takes to keep=20
these files accurate but when I ask them what it would take to relie upon=20
the JDE as the record, they say that is is a Regulatory requirement that=20
can only be addressed with paper.

This strikes me as odd. I wonder, does anyone out there rely solely upon=20
their computer records? If so, how do you sell this to people who are=20
most comfortable with paper records.

On the other side, if you use paper back-ups, please let me know why this=20
is necessary.
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we rely on electronic copies only of P.O.'s except for special circumstances. You left out an important piece of information - what type of business is your company in? If it is a highly regulated business such as pharmaceuticals or the nuclear industry then record keeping is important and government regulated. That still doesn't mean that you can't go paperless but it does mean that the bar is raised on how capture and store electronic copies. Companies such as Optio have solutions in this area.


If you are in an FDA-regulated environment, you must maintain paper copies of all relevant documents (POs, invoices, etc.) unless your system has been validated. Validation is not an insignificant undertaking, and normally starts with the installation of the software. You can find more information on the FDA site or from consulting companies that specialize in system validation.
You didn't specify your system configuration, but the fairly recent adoption of FDA guidelines for electronic signatures (21 CFR Part 11) adds system requirements that have only been addressed in OW Xe and ERP8.
Hope this helps.
Sorry, I should have provided more information. We are regulated by the FDA and we have validated our system. We are not yet part 11 compliant but will be and I am making longterm plans.

I think that I am able to address the concerns from an FDA regulation standpoint, but people worry that Finance Auditor require paper.

We are using something called FormScape to store our PO's where the PDF
files are easily accessible though a web application called "Docs on Line".
This way users can have access to these docs but not necessarily to JDE.
You can search a number of ways, by doc #, by branch plant, date, etc. Once
you find your PO, you can reprint it, you can email it, fax it or just view
it. This seems to satisfy all our requirements - - all our PO's have a 2nd
page of legal jargon that goes with each PO which is part of the PDF file
and can be seen on line as well. Either the internal or external auditors
should not have an issue with this. The down side to this application is
that you must create the Purchase Order report in JDE and again a second
time in FormScape. Any time you make a change on the JDE side, you will
have to make a change to the FormScape side.

As to the users printing out and hoarding a hard copy, I'd say about 1/3 do
that here. Until they die off, we won't be able to keep them from doing it!

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