Sales Taxation on (Leased Equipment) Property Tax



Legendary Poster
I have a rather difficult (financial) question in regards with this Business Case:
We have a process in place to generate Sales Order Invoices for Leased Equipment (Personal) Property Tax, every year.
It is based on an Excel spreadsheet (where a Property Tax Management System software writes all the required data).
That is: the spreadsheet is used to populate the F4001Z & F4011Z Sales Orders H&D tables. The next step is using the R42011Z to generate the Sales Order Invoices and, finally, using a customized (copy of R42565) report, we print and send them to our customers.

The Problem:
For some States (i.e. Alaska, Delaware ...), the Property Tax amount is NOT subject of further (Sales) Taxation!
In order to let OneWorld know this, currently we go into each customer Master record and change his taxation Code to E(xempted). Imagine there are HUNDREDS of them!

1 - Is it possible to pass this info using the spreadsheet? What field is needed in F4001Z?
2 - Should I modify the Print SO Invoice UBE with logic like:
<<If state=Alaska OR Delaware OR ... Then
Do Not Calculate Tax>>
I do really appreciate any input, I'm not a financial analyst :(

LIVE: B732.1 SP12.2, Oracle 806
SANDBOX: Xe SP15, Oracle 8i
RS/6000, Citrix

The tax information is stored with each sales order line. You should be able to pass this information through the interoperability process and avoid changing the customer master. The same logic holds for passing differing tax types and tax areas from the customer master record.

Mike Dupaix
JDE Certified Professional
(630) 904-5373 - Office/Fax
(630) 750-2500 - Cell
Re: re: Sales Taxation on (Leased Equipment) Property Tax

I just found the SYTAX1 Sales Taxable (Y/N) field in F4011Z Batch Receiver (SO Detail); I wonder if it may solve our problem. I'll make some tests and let the list know my results.
Thank you very much,

LIVE: B732.1 SP12.2, Oracle 806
SANDBOX: Xe SP15, Oracle 8i
RS/6000, Citrix
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