Runube / queue Help



Well Known Member
I have a batch file that runs about 20 UBE's, and it works fine. But I want
then to Run in order, what determines the order of jobs processed in the
queue. When I launch the 20 UBE's they DO NOT run in the order that I
submitted them (yes it's a single Treaded Queue).


ERP8 SP21_I1

William “Brian” Wilkinson
Quickie Manufacturing
[email protected]
856-829-7900 x143
Brian, not really sure what determines the order, but I can offer a solution. Write a UBE that launches the 20 other UBEs in the order you want then modify your batch file to launch the single UBE.
after each runube command, put a
sleep 1
(if on UNIX) to wait one second before launching the next one.
If on another platform, good luck. The winNT/2k resource kit has a sleep.exe that will do this as well, but it isn;'t there by default.
Cool, that's one issue I've never run into. They always seem to run in the order my scripts submit them.

One way to force this is to use the "Interactive" flag. This causes the submitting script to wait until each UBE completes to move onto the next statement.

You need to be aware when using this flag that the "single threaded queue" is ignored. Other jobs can run at the same time in the same queue.
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