Role Chooser Not Working


We are using JDE 9.0 and I have users with multiple roles. The Enable Role Chooser option is selected, but the user is not given the chance to choose a role at login on the WEB client. Any ideas why this wouldn't be working?
do all of the roles assigned to the users have access to the environment thay are logging in to? Is this happening for all of your users or just some of them, and in which environments? If a user has 4 roles assigned, but only 1 of the 4 has access to PD900, then there is nothing to choose when logging in to PD900.
Does it work for the fat client? Ie Can you prove the issue is just on the web or not?
Perhaps you are configured to not allow users to choose.

Look at your JAS.INI file. There is a [LOGIN] section, and there is a line

Is it set to SHOW, HIDDEN, or something else? Something else to consider along the same lines is, are the users allowed to choose the environment to log into?
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