restrict multiple instances of same app.



Is it possible to restrict users from opening more than one instance of an application - same version - (i.e. Sales Order Entry) within their individual Citrix session?

Is anyone aware of problems caused by use of multiple instances of the same application?

Sales Order Entry (I assume you mean P4210) especially has a lot of BSFN running asyncronously. This means that the user is allowed to continue working (typing, moving the mouse, push buttons, etc.) while business functions process in the background (or on the Enterprise Server in the case of Citrix).

If you have multiple instances of the same application open, a BSFN could get confused if it finishes processing and tries to return control to the wrong instance of the application. This will cause memory violations, invalid overwrite or read errors, etc.

Unfortunately, I do not know of a way to restrict users to running only one instance of an application.
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