Resetting Licenses


Does anybody know hoe to reset licenses in Jde, just recently changed the netbios names of all workstations and laptops but jde kept all licenses for previous machines.
You will need to reset the licence on the Deployment Server, then reregister
all the work stations. Contact GSS and they should be able to sort you out.

OW733.3 Xe SP 14.2
Enterprise Server - Intel NT + Oracle 8.0.6
Client - Citrix TSE + 4 NT PC's for development
As far as I know there is no simple way to relieve the licenses. You can
remove the machine names from the table, but the licenses remain held. Of
course, in hind sight, you should remove JDE from the station and re-deploy
it once the rename is completed.
The way we have tackled a similar situation is to use a free workstation,
name it to one of the old netbios names, deploy JDE then uninstall. Do this
for each of the old station names. This frees up the licenses.
This quite common and there are several white papers on line on how to
reclaim the licenses you may want to give the response a call on this and
ask them to direct you to the white papers.
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