Rentals in World A7.3


Well Known Member
We rent equipment. We need to keep the item rented in inventory, but make sure it is not available while it is out at a customer, and is available while it is on the shelf. Is there a clean, simple way to do this in A7.3?
I didn't make a detailed research , but you could just create an inventory location for material held in customer's stock, define it as a quarantine place and link it to an account of material held by a third part.

The downside of doing this is that probably you should not automatically consume this inventory when you process the pickslip and you'll have to transfer the material to the inventory location manually.

I'll try to do some research and check if there is any setup in shipping processing to allow you to tranfer the material automatically.

best regards
Felipe, thanks for giving this some thought. What you describe is pretty much the only way I could think to do rentals. I was hoping (against hope) World actually had a function specific for rentals. It is easy enough to set up a line type that does not consume inventory, and I too have never seen a function that automatically transfers material.
I thought you want something simple, just using inventory management module. If you have a huge number of equipments and customers, maybe you should consider using module G12 (fixed asset management). It is more suitable for keep tracking not only of the location of leased equipment but also for calculating equipment depreciation and yield.

Best regards
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