Received Not Vouchered AS-OF Report?


Legendary Poster

Have any of you E1 Sites create some sort of Received Not Vouchered 'AS OF' Report?

I've read where Wold A9.1 now has a process to identify RNV As-Of, but don't see anything on the E1 side, yet.

Client will be making a request for such a report - and I'm hoping glean some info from someone that has already blazed this trail.


Any record in F43121 with MATC=1 is RNV. So if you run a report of records in F43121 with MATC=1 and then store them in a table you should get your RNV As Of. When the receipt gets vouchered you get a MATC=2 record for that receipt in addition to the MATC=1 record. Look at the DD item glossary for MATC.


An "As-Of" report would be a means to see what was open/closed on a specific date. If I wanted to know what was at a status 1 on July first, the "As Of" status might not be the same status, today.

Thus - I'm looking for a mean to know what was at a specific status on a specific date (as of).

Short of grabbing everything and identifying when Receipt and when Vouchered, how much at what time... It might be more work than originally expected.

It would be easy enough to put a trigger on the table to identify As-Of going forward (build a custom history file).... but that doesn't help with the twenty years of history =D


Follow-up (as it nears user validation)... Turns out to be a nice little PO/AP/GL Validation prospect.

For the RNV "AS-OF" reporting

Data Select F43121.MATC = 1 and F43121.RCDJ <= AS OF Date

Internal logic:
Fetch matching F4311 Record, to bring back
- F4311.FTN1 (Tax Commitment)

You might add the F4311.FTN1 as the Tax Amount to the F43121.AREC

Fetch Matching F43121 Records with MATC!= '1' and Date <= AS OF Date
- Accumulate Vouchered and Open amounts against RNV Record and/or F4311
- Fetch Matching F0411 Records with Date <= AS OF Date For Each MATC!=1
* Accumulate AOPN, AREC and FTN1 as AP Columns

Fetch Matching F0911 Records with DGJ <= AS OF Date (and AID)
- Accumulate AA as GL Column

Now, balance all of them against each other.
- If all Balance - Hide the Row
- If one or more Not Balance - Show the Row

There are some really interesting results =D

Hey Dan, I'm dragging up this old thread because this has now come up (yet again) at our companies. I read your last notes, did that really work for you? Has anyone else out there had to tackle this issue.

Some background before you answer... We actually sort of "did" have an As Of report for this, though poorly designed. It did NOTHING with PO tables to look stuff up. All it did was look at F0911 records by PO # and total it up and if it all equaled 0, it didn't report it. All worked "ok" UNTIL..... we did some data archiving. The archiving stuff works perfectly fine, it was not anything to do with that.

The issue is the report was written assuming all your F0911 data would be around in totality forever. Now it isn't. It's a super long story.
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