Receipts Routing and Rework Disposition


We are on A8.1 cum 2, using (among other modules) Receipts Routing, Work
Orders and Advanced Warehousing. We have some procedural issues we are
trying to sort out. When product comes in it is received and goes into
Receipts Routing. It is not on Inventory. If an item has to be reworked,
we need it on inventory so that we can issue it to a work order and/or move
it from our outside storage facility to our manufacturing facility to do
the rework. Once you receive it into inventory, it is available for
payment, at the full price the supplier is charging. Because of the rework
required, we will not be paying the supplier the full amount, we may be
reducing the price, or the number of units received if the rework involves
culling out unusable items. This is not determined until after the rework
is completed, but by that time, the voucher matching may be completed and
the supplier has been paid the full amount! How do others deal with

Pam MacKinnon
High Liner Foods Inc.
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