Reading Material on JDE World 7.3


I am very new to JDE and have just been assigned to work on World 7.3 on AS/400 for data extraction.

I want to gain sufficient knowledge (eg. table layouts, connections, export features, etc.) so that I can intelligently speak and make decisions on this version of JDE. Please point me to the source of information (book, web site, etc.) where I can access, read, and come to speed. Thank you.


If your company is licensed to use JDE, go to Oracle's web site & look for the My Oracle Support link. You'll be able to create an account for yourself. After you login you'll be able to read/download the documentiation you want.

Please keep in mind that you need to learn both JDE World and IBM OS/400 and IBM DB2/400 (the database). JDE World uses DB2/400 database. So there are features in the OS/400 operating system and IBM Client Access that can be utilized, that would not be covered in JD Edwards documentation.
Ideally, you should get yourself some training. I doubt Oracle is offering any JDE World training classes, but you could probably pay to bring in an Oracle consultant for focused training. That would get you up to speed faster than trying to learn on your own. If perhaps you have an in house JDE World expert, an alternative would be to have that person do a training class for you.
There is not a lot of documentation on JDE World these days. My suggestion is to download from Oracle the following two manuals, as a start - 1. JDE World Common Foundation Guide, and 2. JDE World Technical Foundation Guide. The Technical Foundation guide will be the more important one for you, but you need to study both to get the foundation base knowledge you will need.

Are you new to AS/400 as well? You really have not mentioned that aspect. If you are, try to get some training on that as well, either from an in house expert or from IBM.

Good luck. I don't envy you the task in front of you if you have to figure all this out on your own.

John Dickey
What is your email address... I will send you the most typical table/file layouts for A7.3
For table layouts, try downloading the guides for your installed systems. I just verified that my General Accounting I guide has the GA file layouts (in Appendix A). They are very useful for report writing, for example using WorldWriter.
Dear John:

Thank you for the detailed response.
I am new to AS/400 as well.

I am sure Price WaterHouse Cooper can afford this. I have a copy and it
distills the JDE application succinctly.

Hal McGee
Agile Engineering Systems Manager
Corporate IT Department
B/E Aerospace
Winston-Salem, NC

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Reading Material on JDE World 7.3
07/22/2010 04:45

Please respond to
JD Edwards®

I am very new to JDE and have just been assigned to work on World 7.3 on
AS/400 for data extraction.

I want to gain sufficient knowledge (eg. table layouts, connections, export
features, etc.) so that I can intelligently speak and make decisions on
this version of JDE. Please point me to the source of information (book,
web site, etc.) where I can access, read, and come to speed. Thank you.

I saw that Hal McGee recommended Panza and Edelstein's JD Edwards World: An Administrator's Guide. (Got the e-mail, post seems to have disappeared). I bought this book when I first began supporting JDE. It will not help with either file layouts nor understanding the functionality of JDE World. It is a good reference for security, menus, and spends many many pages on how to develop your own Dreamwriters.
A had another thought. Quite a bit more expensive than reading material, but to understand the file layouts and the logicals of JDE World a tool like Questview from Touchtone is useful. It supports both record level view into the files as well as the file description data.
The Data Models book has all of the data models for every application in
one place so it makes an easy reference. However it does not go into some
of the more obscure tables.

The Technical Foundation guide is also very useful.

JDE used a CASE tool when creating JDE but did not consistently use it
after that so you will have to watch for anomalies.

All of the other guides walk you through a basic understanding of the

Hal McGee
Agile Engineering Systems Manager
Corporate IT Department
B/E Aerospace
Winston-Salem, NC

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om> To
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Re: Reading Material on JDE World
07/29/2010 06:30 7.3

Please respond to
JD Edwards®

A had another thought. Quite a bit more expensive than reading material,
but to understand the file layouts and the logicals of JDE World a tool
like Questview from Touchtone is useful. It supports both record level view
into the files as well as the file description data.

Marc Gerritt JDE WorldSoftware 7.3 cume 13
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