re: AAI 4310 : question change

Mike Dupaix

VIP Member
re: AAI 4310 : question change


Any new orders entered will have the correct GL class. You can change the existing GL class in the entry grid (it is on the far right of the grid). It is searchable just as any user defined code.

please disregard my previous query : I have found !

* the items where created with a dummy GL class, waiting for
accounting definition of final GL Class.
* Then PO where created.
* After that, final GL class where entered on items, but too late :
the F4311 file was already updated with the dummy GL Class.

New question is :
when we create NEW PO on now updated items, the GL class is still the
old one, ALTHOUGH the items and Branch item are now correct.

Does JDE store the Item GL class in some other file ?


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Mike Dupaix
JDE Certified Professional
(630) 904-5373 - Office/Fax
(630) 750-2500 - Cell
RE: AAI 4310 : question change

Re where is GL class stored:
GL class for a purchase order is stored in each line record in F4311 in
field PDGLC.
Dave Mallory Denver Water =20
RE: AAI 4310 : question change

GL class is in three places...Item Master, Item/Branch, and Item/Branch
Location File. These are the F4101, F4102, and F41021.

Andy Klee

Klee Associates, Inc.
J.D. Edwards Certified Professional
Phone: 970.856.4811
Cellular: 303.591.7344
RE: AAI 4310 : question change


Go to Location Revision (row exit) at Item Branch/Plant.
and check the GL class for the item there.

Hope this helps.
Re: AAI 4310 : question change

Correct answer !
F41021 was the file I missed.
Many Thanks.

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RE: AAI 4310 : question change

The item location G/L class is the important place to set the correct code.
This is the code pulled into purchase orders, sales orders, and
manufacturing work orders. The wrong G/L class on existing purchase orders
and sales orders must be changed on an order line by line basis to correct
your errors.

I've just gone through a similar situation with a new implementation. The
stock status report R41530 can be used to identify locations with
non-conforming G/L codes. In your case this would be the your dummy G/L
class. You may also consider putting the obsolete stocking type code, O, on
your new items. This will cause any purchase order or sales order line to
be automatically cancelled. (Just a thought.)

Walt Sellers
Heil Environmental Industries, Ltd.
OW B733.2 SP10, Citrix, Windows NT TS2000, Oracle 8.1.6
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