R42800 not running on enterprise server...

Ricardo Paz

Reputable Poster
Hi list...

If we submit the R42800 locally everything is ok, but if we submit it to the
enterprise server, it holds on WAITING status...this only happends with the
R4200 UBE...the server has the latest full package we have built and no
modifications have been made to the R42800...

Anyone with some ideas???

Thank's in advance.

OW B73.3.2 SP 16.1 / NT 4.0 Sp 6a/ SQL 7.0 (XE and Win2000 soon)

S.E. Ricardo Paz Castañón
Systems Chief
Comercial de Herramientas S.a de C.v.
+52(81) 8369-35-35 ext. 286
[email protected]
We are having the same problem with our A/R statements. We have determined that this problem is related to a security issue.

Try and sign on as JDE and run R42800 and see what happens. Let me know if it works.

AS/400 (Enterprise)
WinNT (Deployment)
Check your JDE.INI settings on the Ent Server with the JOB QUEUE in the
specific UBE Version that you are submitting. Make sure that the JOB QUEUE

Good Luck!

Adam Clark
Corporate Information Services
Office: (626) 434-4275

Adam Clark
Project Manager
Golden State Foods -- Information Services
Hi there...

We tryied logging into OW with user JDE, but it didn't work anyway...so I
stoped an restarted the JDE services on the Enterprise server and all UBE's
that were "cloged" began to process...Still researching the original cause
because the services were running before and nothing was wrong...

Thank's for all your "clues".

OW B73.3.2 SP 16.1 / NT 4.0 Sp 6a/ SQL 7.0 (XE and Win2000 soon)

S.E. Ricardo Paz Castanon
Systems Chief
Comercial de Herramientas S.a de C.v.
+52(81) 8369-35-35 ext. 286
[email protected]
There is a problem with an business function: Math Divide Mem Overwrite. Sometimes when a calculation uses more than 12 decimals
the UBE stops on server never ending with no messages.
If you run it locally works fine.

Issue resolved with SP18.1 and SP17.1 One-Off

Please check SAR Number: 5697433 Math Divide Mem Overwrite

Hope this helps.

Sergio Vargas
Windows 2000 / SQL2000 / B7333 Xe / SP15.1
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