R04573 Does Not Generate occasionally


VIP Member
I've scoured the Oracle KG and can't believe this isn't a bug that someone else has run into. I know all the AP setup is correct and processing options are set but on occasion (not often), a check or an AP auto deposit will say "see attachment" but there is NO R04573 job that is generated? I have yet to figure out why. It seems to be random and is not "vendor specific" or anything.

I blew it off as "user error" before but now it has happened not only in this 8.12 environment, but another one (a different company of ours) we have as well (the two instances are not related at all and totally separate).

The problem is the user isn't finding the problem until "after" it's too late (she has already printed and sent stuff, and updated) so I can't recreate it. I've setup tests in PY and every time, it works as expected. All I can think is some sort of "magic set of circumstances" is happening and I don't know what they are.
The first place I would look is security: make sure that user is authorized to the R04573 object.
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