R03B166 standard report


Well Known Member
i would like to know how to see the data structure D03B0017, source module B03B0017 and function FormatAgingColHdings which attached to the standard report.
Can help. I am new and just would like to know how jde come up the report. thanks alot
how do we know we need to use business function? and what parameter to pass? i still not very sure of business function. can explain?
Hi ekben,

There are several way to figure out, how to use a BSFN.

1.) If you have Documentation CD, then you can descriptions about several BSFN under Business Functions entry.

2.) Generate BSFN Documentation (GH902/R98ABSFN) and View BSFN Documentation (GH902/P98ABSFN).

3.) Open the BSFN call in ER Designer and there you can check BSFN notes as well as Data Structure Notes or Parameter notes.

4.) Put the object into a project in OMW select Design function and there you can check the attachment.

Tell the truth, many of BSFNs does not have attachment or it is empty or poor. Data Structures, and mainly Parameter Members have very rarely attachment.

5.) Use the Cross Reference Facility to see, where is a BSN used and open these object to examine them, how they use the BSFN.

6.) Open the object with its designer and examine the object itself to figure out, how does it works.

...n+1) Place a post onto JDEList :-D

Hope, this helps a bit.


P.S.: just an other advise - place your system configuration into your Signature instead of Bio in your User Profile. Doing so, your sytem info will be attached to the end of your all posts automatically.
hi zoltan, thanks alot.
i hv 1 request. can u show me how to use the bsfn in erw? for example a simple function B0000206. how to include this function in erw and see the result in erw? for example i use V0911G BV as this BV has AA field. i just dun know what shud i do with the function. or u hv any other simple BFSN to use to show me how to use. To use BFSN, we must use ER variable?
thanks again
any one who has business function manual? is this the same with P98ABFSN? Why besides A, other alphabet unable to show the business function list?
dear zoltan,
why still same output even i disable the business funtion line in erw event rules for report R03B166
business function b03b0017

i put in the req field for date, variable for certain input field and i got the output on constant header. if i remove the variable it will not work. why? what are all these variable for?
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