Purchase Order Approvals


We are trying to do some testing on the purchase order
approval process on our test system against a subset of data from production
but we do not want to run the test through the entire approval route
process. Does anyone know of a way to get around and reduce the approvals
to only the tester? I noticed in the program P43080, that is can be run in
Demo mode but I could not find anywhere in the documentation on how to set
it up to run it in that mode. Any suggestions or options?

Karen Curley
Manager, Enterprise Application Software Development
Integrated Business Solutions
(732) 938-1013
mailto:[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
One option that may or may not be appropriate for your situation... Allow the tester to toggle the a/b # (P0092) for the User ID that he is logged in under. So during one logon session he can 'wear different hats' to test the full route, rather than some abbreviated approval process.
Thanks for your assistance. What we do is copy data from our production environment to our test environment with all the approval routes, so when we go to test we have to simulate the approval process. I sure wish I could find out to launch that DEMO functionality, because in the program if that is flagged it bypasses all the approval checking. We are not testing the approval function but we have to get through it to complete our testing. Oh, well thanks for the suggestion. If you come with any other ideas please let me know. Thank you.

Looking at the program it appears that the demo mode is invoked when the approval route code on the order matches the user's group profile on the User Information file F0092.

Normally the user's group or class has to begin with an asterisk so you will probably need to use DFU or some other utility to set it. Maybe World Writer (spit) could be used. Obviously the user will lose the functionality of his/her normal class or group while the record is set this way, so it may be worth creating a one-off user profile just for this.

I suspect it's intended for use by JDE's internal developers only, which might explain why it's not documented and why accessing it is ugly. I haven't tested this so can't guarantee it'll work, but it looks like it might be worth a shot.
Hi Karen,

This may not answer your question directly, but I have found a number of useful white papers on Approval processing that may help.

Solution ID 200782094 - Approval Processing FAQ
Solution ID 200782170 - Approval Processing In EnterpriseOne


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