Print Immediate Enhancement SAR

Bill Dotson

Reputable Poster
I'd like to ask anyone on the list who has ever thought about or requested a change to Print Immediate to review SAR 5850194. We asked for this solution during a visit to Denver in January, and got a favorable response. However, the SAR is at status 05 - Returned-Reconsider in Future. But we also had a conversation with a JDE developer just today who believes this is a very valid request.

As many of you probably already know, the more customers who sign up for a SAR, the more attention JDE pays to it. Many customers have asked for a more flexible solution to Print Immediate, but most have failed to follow up and just "gone away" (according to the developer). But I'm very adamant about this enhancement, and this SAR may just fit the bill for you, too. So if you would like to see this enhancement SAR implemented sometime in the future, I ask that you *please* subscribe to the SAR (even though it's technically closed). The more the merrier, and maybe we'll see this enhancement sometime soon (and we can all quit using clunky work-arounds).

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