Portuguese number to words conversion


Active Member
Can anyone point me towards a Portuguese version of the X00500 numbers to words conversion server? I'd also be grateful if anyone can tell me whether there are any differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese for written numbers.


Dave Kahn (World A7.3 cum 10)

Why don't you order the Brazilian system from JDE? It contains all the necessary coding. The system number is 76 and can be ordered directly from the software group in Denver.

Pat Powell
Oceaneering International, Inc.

Thanks for your answer. We're aware of System 76, which was why I asked about potential differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese. It turns out that there are differences, and as it's Portugal we want the program for System 76 is not the answer. Besides it seems a bit extreme to order a system for just one program.

We got the Portuguese users to write out the numbers for us as they want them then one of our programmers (not me unfortunately) had fun writing the module in RPG, so we're covered now.


Dave Kahn (World A7.3 cum 10)
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