Package Deployment from CD

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I am trying to put a full package on CD so it can be deployed on remote locations. I have gone through the people book and followed the instructuions but I am not able to get the package deployed on the path specified.

In the machine identification i define my pc and the path where I want it to copy the files. I define the path like \FullCDpackage. I copied the oneworld client install folder there and then I deploy a package by selecting the machine I have just define. The whole process works fine but when it starts to deploy the package it just runs the job on the server and pdf comes blank. I change the location of the UBE to run local and it runs and PDF says it success but nothing gets copied to my path specified. Job takes less the 5 seconds to run.

Is there any thing I am missing, can anybody help me here. I will really appreciate it.
Any thing guys. I have seen many people talk about it.
Btw, I am doing this in 8.11
Have you considered using the ESU system? Every CD and download that JDE produces uses the ESU system (whether it is an Update Package, Full Package, Language package...)

Anytime I needed to do what you are doing, I use Product Packaging.

The advantage of the ESU system is that it handles more that just the specs - e.g. DD, UDCs, tasks, ...

The disadvantage, is that it can be a pain to set up and troubleshoot initially. I believe the KG should have some good documentation on Product Packaging. (Check the Technical tools documentation).

In this approach, you create a Software Update ESU. In the initial wizard, you select the package that you want to deploy. If the Product Packaging system is setup correctly, you press build and the result is an ESU that you can deploy to any OW installation (e8.11 in your case). But of course there can be difficulties getting your first one built.

If you find that the difficulties outweigh the benefit, perhaps a tool like Boomerang can help? I have not tried it myself, but you could perhaps get a demo or something like that.



I do this all the time. First of all I have another fat client in my office that I've set up as a secondary deployment server which has a CD burner installed. On the C: drive I have a B7333 folder and a B7333SAVE folder. Before I deploy the new full package I copy everything under the B7333 folder to B7333SAVE. Then I DELETE everything UNDER the B7333 folder. I then deploy the full package to the secondary deployment server. There are two files that you will need to modify, Install.inf and pkgname.inf. See example of changes below.




I hope this helps.

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