P4210 Changing Requested Order Date


Active Member
Hi Forum:

We have CommitmentSpecificDays (COMH) setup for 7 days in my Inventory Constants file (F41001). Sales Order (SO) has been entered, which has Requested Date(DRQJ) more than 7 days (March 31st, For example), so order is future commited. If sales order header is changed for Requested date, which falls within the commitment horizon (less than 7 days) and detail record is unchanged, so record will be soft commited instead of future commited. (SONE quantity will be zero)

During this change, sales order application does NOT check for item availability for the item listed on the detail line (Atleast in my case). So if item is not available, Available Qty (QAVAL) will be negative and allows detail line for Pick Slip instead of putting line under Back order status. We want to put this order into back order status if item is not available. Is there any way...we can do it..??

Hope i am clear with explaining my problem.
Thank you in advance.
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