P0011 security


Reputable Poster
This is a question someone else may have run across. We have several menu options for P0011 Batch review on our menus. P0011 batch review for vouchers is on the AP menu, and P0011 batch review for journal entries is on the GL menu. Each reference a specific version that defaults int he batch type V for vouchers, or G for journal entries. However, that just drives the default batch type, the user could if they chose change the batch type to something else, or * and see all other batches and potentially post them, or even delete them.

Is there a simple way to protect that batch type field in the P0011, so that the batch type that defaults is the only one they are allowed to view/post.

Would column level security work? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

We've done this - set up Column Security on F0011 ICUT - View - Y, Add - N and Change - N.
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