Overseas Shipments in ATM


We are working on a business model where large volume shipments are performed to overseas customers. The first leg consists of several truck shipments from the plant to a nearby port. These quantities are then loaded onto a container for vessel transportation. Inventory visibility might be required for the port as some quantities may not be loaded on the vessel due to storage limitations.

The requirement is to generate shipping documents per truck and to generate one invoice per vessel load. We have attempted to use intermodal shipments but have faced the limitation in consolidating the multiple truckloads into one vessel. We plan to create an actual/dummy branch/plant at the port and divide the shipments into 2 separate transactions (transfer order to port, sales order to customer from port) but are looking for a better solution in ATM. We’d appreciate any ideas/suggestions for solving this case.

Thanks and regards,

Ozan Basegmez

OneWorld Xe, Update 5, SP20, Windows 2K, Citrix XP
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