Order reprice and dual UOM items


We came across a couple of issues and wondering if anyone else has--or more importantly, have fixes:

The client I am at has some items that are dual UOM items. They also have many customers that get a discount that is calculated at the order lever--an order reprice. The issue is when one of those customers buys a dual UOM item.

When we run R42750 across a dual UOM item, we found that R42750 will change the secondary quantity back to what the standard UOM conversion is unless the line has been shipped. At my client, they want to update the secondary quantity using a 3rd party warehouse system, reprice the order, then generate the invoice based on the information updated from the 3rd party warehouse system before shipping via R42500. Have you noticed this and found a way to keep R42750 from changing the secondary quantity?

Also, even though our order reprice adjustment details are based on current net price (Basis Code of 2), it still calculates the discount off of the unit price (times the quantity) instead of using the extended price. Have you figured out a way around this also?

Thank you in advanced for any help or tips.

Urban Spacman
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