Object Browser Feature Query



Legendary Poster
Hello All,

I had a business request today that I thought could be folded into the Object Browser tool. I was wondering if any others would see value in this ...

"We need to find every report that does data selection over F4211 with the column SDDCTO"

While this is not a simple database query, it can be done by examining the RDASPEC records. The thought is to create a tool (like the ER Search option) to mine the records and produce a list of all UBE/Versions/Sections that contain data selection referencing that table/column pair including the actual data selection.


That will certainly help. RDASPEC records will require a GET on the corresponding Custom UBE specs.
Correct me here in case
In a round about way you can all ready do this with your tool (JDE Object Browser)... because I just finished using it to do this very thing. I simply used the Batch export feature to export the data selection for all the UBEs then used UltraEdit to do a text search across all the export text files. Worked great. If you were to streamline this process somehow I suppose it would be pretty useful and I suspect probably pretty widely used as I can see this being a common research task.

Not sure what you mean with that. You would only need to go a get if the version was changed, checked in but not deployed to your machine. Like the other spec retrieveal features, you would be able to choose the location to pull from (local, central objects etc.)

Hi Brian,

Yes, that's what we've done in the past but I thought it would be cool to, as you said, streamline the process.

Did you all ready add this feature? I was talking to one of the other developers working on this with me and mentioned this coincidence of this thread and she said she got the latest version and it was in there.
Nope, not yet. Perhaps she was thinking of a different feature?

In a round about way you can all ready do this with your tool (JDE Object Browser)... because I just finished using it to do this very thing. I simply used the Batch export feature to export the data selection for all the UBEs then used UltraEdit to do a text search across all the export text files. Worked great. If you were to streamline this process somehow I suppose it would be pretty useful and I suspect probably pretty widely used as I can see this being a common research task.

I know - coming into this really late (months??)...

I do as Brian does.
- Use OB to export the OBNM from the F9860 of every object {APPL,UBE,BSVW,BSFN,DSTR}... into a CSV / Flat file
- Use OB's "Batch Export" functionality to read that file - and export objects (and their properties) into a folder (say \DV for Development or \PD for Production)

Then I can use Window's Explorer to do searches for any set of values (whether that be a BSVW Name, File Name, where a function is used) - and I get back a list of all the objects that contain that search criteria.

Side-Note: CoA (Custom Object Analyzer) will allow similar functionality?
- JL22276 (I think)

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