No Backorders...Item Master ?


Well Known Member
I have some new items that are not going on Backorder. I have no inventory
for these items yet but I am taking orders for them that will be filled when
the inventory is available.

When entering orders for these items, they never go on backorder, but
instead continue to show the ordered quantity in the Quantity Shipped
(really Quantity Shipable) field.

I've checked Item Master and Item Branch for the new items and the boxes for
'Backorders Allowed' are checked.

My backorder process is working fine for my older items so I think the
problem lies in the Item setup for these new pieces.

Any ideas?

B7332, SP17.1_E1, MSSQL 7.0, NT 4.0
You need to turn on the "BackOrder Allowed" in Item Master and Item Branch Level. Make sure that's turned on. The Other Place to look at is Customer Master Level and Branch/Plant Level. Hope this information will lead you to fix the issue.

Are they in a different branch/plant (check the branch/plant constants).. I
don't think it would be that or your version of sales order on the
committments tab(I believe) has an option for back orders... not sure if
it's either of these two... let me know. thanks, Bobby
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