Newbie goes nuts

Dave Harker

Dave Harker


As a newbie to Edwards I'm making some fairly basic errors and strggling to get my head around such a huge system. I've a user wanting to work Interactive Versions and administer "Processing Options" in the Row menu. She's getting a message saying she's not authorised to use this facility. Where do I go to set the security for items in the Row menus?

Any help would be gratefully received.


Like most others reading your post I don't have much of a clue what your user is asking, which leads me to suggest that the best thing to do is to get a copy of the Technical Foundation Manual. If you don't have a hard copy, it's on the JDE World Documentation CD's and also downloadable from the Oracle site as a pdf.

This manual will explain a whole lot about JDE, the infrastructure, environments, menus, DreamWriter, Security, UDC Tables and so on...
Half a day browsing through this manual would make the world of difference. Even better - if your employer will fund sending you on the Technical Foundation Class.... an excellent way to start learning JDE.

Good Luck
I'm not totally sure but mentioning Processing Options in the Row Menu makes me think that this is related to OneWorld and not World. Unless it is the gui version of World? But still if your question is related to OneWorld, your in the wrong forum.

The only Row Menu that I am aware of is in FASTR but it doesn't have Processing Options. But still your question, such that it is, needs a little further definition such that we can answer it with some intelligence. Because as Tony has indicated we can't understand what you are asking.
Many thanks for your response - I'll look for the technical manual as suggested. I need to get a handle on this and haven't been able to find any hard copies of manuals etc. I appreciate your help!


You are absolutely right - I should have (and have now) posted in the OneWorld forum. My apologies for wasting peoples time and my thanks for your help!

I understand your question and am assuming that you're working with Enterprise One. From my understanding of security (which is not my domain), you can give access to the application that is being called by the row exit. It doesn't matter if it's being called by a row exit or acessed directly at that point.
Sorry to jump on this thread since it is in the World discussion group, but you shouldn't need to worry about security as a devloper. Ask you CNC for help in this area.
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