Need to change year-end / fiscal date pattern


We have a company, currently on a 4-4-5 date pattern being acquired on 9/20/12. (They are currently operating in FY=12 b/c their period 1 ended in Jan 2012.) The new requirement is to report on a calendar month-end for the remainder of the year through 12/31/12. (1 short week in Sept and then Oct/Nov/Dec)

What are our options since 2012 is broken up into 2 different ownerships but the same starting fiscal "year"? I believe we need to do a y/e close effective 9/20/12, so the thought is the current company fiscal date pattern must end and periods 9, 10, 11 and 12 all be set to end on 9/20/12? Is it possible to just set up a new date pattern for a "short" 2012 and put the company into that starting with transactions on 9/21/12? That couldn't be FY 12 though, right? Or do we need to make a new company up and give it a short fiscal year of 2012 with periods 9 (abbreviated), 10, 11 and 12 to store transactions...and have starting balances pull from 9/20/12.

Note: Restating prior years/periods to the new calendar schedule is not required.

I have not managed to find any JDE doc that talks about this type of scenario. Any guidance is appreciated! We are on E9.
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