Need help from someone who has installed Simplified Chinese with SQL Server.


My customer has its full installation with DB2/400. When they decided to have Chinese installed to have their plant in China using OW, a decision was made to move all language tables to SQL Server. Databases and tables have been created. The ones replacing previously existing ones have been populated with english data and Simplified Chinese has been installed. On clients, Chinese is showing perfectly. Everything is showing with the correct charset. For the web, everything that has been serialized (applications and data dictionary) is also showing in Chinese but menus, UDCs and Next Numbers show garbage! SQL Collation name for the database holding tables with Chinese charset is Latin1_General, code page 1252. That doesn't seem right but I don't know how to convert and, if that's the problem, I can't understand why it works on fat clients. We are using OneWorld Xe, SP23_I1, WebSphere 4.0.6, tried Microsoft SQL Server JDBC drivers SP2 and SP3 with the same results.
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