Need a Server Bussines Function alternative for B9090001


Reputable Poster
Hi to all.

I'm making a customization for being able to carry up to 5 category codes to work orders, so I have modified T48013 to allow to define the origin of category codes 4 and 5 in Work Order.

In order to make P48013 works, I studied two alternatives, or to modify B4800210 and all related stuff to allow these new cat codes, or to create a simple business function to update F4801 after the EndDocument has been called.

The first alternative had such huge implications that I discarded this.

In P48013 it was easy to implement because I had direct access to Processing Options, so I created a very simple business function to update F4801 with proper codes just after the F4801EndDocument

In order to make this work in R3411, P3411 and P4210 I need another business function and this one should be able to read Processing Options of the Related Version of P48013 declared in processing options of all these applications).

So I looked this forum and as usual Zoltan pointed out to B0909001 Get Processing Option Data. So I coded my business function using NER and tested and modified P3411, R3411 and P4210 to call it, and all worked fine, and I was happy :-D

But then I go to build my project and get an Error compiling in server. Then I noticed this function is in CTOOL and is CLIENT ONLY

But I need this feature in server as R3411 runs ins scheduler.

Is there any alternative for this?

How can I read 2 processing options for a specified application and version in a a NER?

Many thanks for your help
Hi to all

I think I have a solution. Have found BDN3108 this is used only for DLINK interface that we don't use. I have revised and although is in C, it is very simple, so I'm going to duplicate and add the code for retrieving also my new processing options.

I will post the final results :-D

but my question is still open, Is something similar to B09090001 in server?

Hi To all.

I'm happy, my First C bsfn in JDE worked fine :-D

My greater problem was how to build the .h file for the data structure, because I was pressing the Generate button, but not reading that it was copied to the clipboard, I was looking in my include folder :-D

So,I have solved this, adapted my NER to call my new C bsfn to retrieve processing options for P48013 and now all works fine and compile better :-D

Congrats Carlos!
A couple of hours to fix this pretty obnoxious issue - retrieving Processing Options on the web

Thank you for your extremely useful feedback
Thanks Adrian.

I have learned a lot from this forums, so I have to contribute whenever I can.

Hi Carlos,
Really informative post. Even I faced the problem many times.Could you share the code of your new business function if possible?

Hi Josh

Hi Carlos,
Really informative post. Even I faced the problem many times.Could you share the code of your new business function if possible?


[/ QUOTE ]


here is

******************** B5648001.C source Code *******************

#include <jde.h>

#define b5648001_c

* Source File: B5648001
* Description: Lee Opciones de Proceso de P48013
* History:
* Date Programmer SAR# - Description
* ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------
* 20/05/2010 C. Lorenzo TRID-1732 Codigos de Categoria en Ordenes de Trabajo
* Copyright (c) SUMTEC, S.L. 2010
* This unpublished material is proprietary to SUMTEC, S.L.
* All rights reserved. The methods and techniques described herein are
* considered trade secrets and/or confidential. Reproduction or
* distribution, in whole or in part, is forbidden except by express
* written permission of SUMTEC, S.L.
* Notes:
* Esta función devuelve todas las opciones de proceso de la version suministrada
* de la Pantalla P48013, incluyendo las nuevas modificaciones segun TRID-1732

#include <b5648001.h>

* Business Function: LeeOpcionesProcesoP48013
* Description: Lee Opciones de Proceso de P48013
* Parameters:
* LPBHVRCOM lpBhvrCom Business Function Communications
* LPVOID lpVoid Void Parameter - DO NOT USE!
* LPDSD5648001 lpDS Parameter Data Structure Pointer

JDEBFRTN (ID) JDEBFWINAPI LeeOpcionesProcesoP48013 (
LPVOID lpVoid,
LPDSD5648001 lpDS

* Variable declarations
ID idReturnValue = ER_SUCCESS; /* Return Code */
ID idJDEDBReturn = JDEDB_PASSED; /* DB API Return Code */

* Declare structures

* Declare pointers
LPDST48013 lpdsProcOptions = (LPDST48013)NULL;

* Check for NULL pointers
if ((lpBhvrCom == (LPBHVRCOM) NULL) ||
(lpVoid == (LPVOID) NULL) ||
(lpDS == (LPDSD5648001) NULL))
jdeErrorSet (lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, (ID) 0, "4363", (LPVOID) NULL);
return ER_ERROR;

* Set pointers

* Initialize Behavior Routine
idJDEDBReturn = JDB_InitBhvr(
(void *)lpBhvrCom,
(char *) NULL,

if (idJDEDBReturn != JDEDB_PASSED)
jdeSetGBRError(lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, (ID) 0, "3143");
return ER_ERROR;

* Main Processing

if (IsStringBlank(lpDS->Version_VERS))
strcpy((char *)lpDS->Version_VERS, (const char *)"ZJDE0001");

lpdsProcOptions = (LPDST48013)AllocatePOVersionData(hUser,"P48013",

if (lpdsProcOptions != (LPDST48013)NULL)

/* Copy lpdsProcOptions values to lpDS */

strcpy((char *)lpDS->TipoOrden_DCTO,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szOrdertype);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->UnidadMedida_UM,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szUnitofmeasure);

lpDS->TipoWO_TYPS = lpdsProcOptions->cTypewo;

lpDS->PrioridadWO_PRTS = lpdsProcOptions->cPrioritywo;

strcpy((char *)lpDS->EstadoWO_SRST,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szStatuscodewo);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->CategoriaWO01_WR01,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szCategoriesworkorder001);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->CategoriaWO02_WR02,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szCategoriesworkorder002);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->CategoriaWO03_WR03,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szCategoriesworkorder003);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->CodigoBloqueoSO_HCOD,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szSOHoldCode);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->CodigoBloqueoPO_HOLD,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szPOHoldcode);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->DisponibilidadLista_VERS,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szBillAvailVersion);

lpDS->CoproductosSubproductos_EV01 = lpdsProcOptions->cCreateCoByflag;

strcpy((char *)lpDS->ActualizaCat01_UPCD,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szF4102CategoryCode1);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->ActualizaCat02_UPCD,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szF4102CategoryCode2);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->ActualizaCat03_UPCD,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szF4102CategoryCode3);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->ActualizaCat04_UPCD,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->Cat04WO_UPCD);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->ActualizaCat05_UPCD,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->Cat05WO_UPCD);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->TipoReferenciaCruzada_XRT,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szCrossReferenceTypeCode);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->CreacionECOWO_V001,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szECOWOEntryVersion);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->AsignacionNumeroSerie_V002,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szAssignSerialNosVersion);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->EstadoBloqueado_SRST,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szHeldStatus);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->EstadoCambio_SRST,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szChangeStatus);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->EstadoCancelado_SRST,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szCancelledStatus);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->TipoTransaccionEDI_TYTN,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szTypeTransaction);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->EstadoCorte_SRST,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szCutoffStatus);

lpDS->FlagTipoLista_EV05 = lpdsProcOptions->cBillTypeflag;

lpDS->FlagTipoRuta_EV06 = lpdsProcOptions->cRoutingTypeflag;

lpDS->FlagCentroCoste_EV06 = lpdsProcOptions->cCostCenterFlag;

lpDS->FlagRecalculo_EV02 = lpdsProcOptions->cRecalculationFlag;

lpDS->FlagValidacionArticulo_EV08 = lpdsProcOptions->cItemBranchFlag;

strcpy((char *)lpDS->Rutas_V003,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szRoutingVersion);

strcpy((char *)lpDS->ListasPiezas_V004,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szPartsListVersion);

lpDS->ColaBackscheduling_EV01 = lpdsProcOptions->cBackschedulingQueueHrsFlag;

strcpy((char *)lpDS->Surtidos_V005,
(const char *)lpdsProcOptions->szMaterialIssuesVersion);

idReturnValue = ER_ERROR;

* Function Clean Up

return (idReturnValue);

/* Internal function comment block */
* Function: Ixxxxxxx_a // Replace "xxxxxxx" with source file number
* // and "a" with the function name
* Notes:
* Returns:
* Parameters:

********************* B5648001.H Include File *******************

* Header File: B5648001.h
* Description: Lee Opciones de Proceso de P48013
* History:
* Date Programmer SAR# - Description
* ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------
* 20/05/2010 C. Lorenzo TRID-1732 - Codigos de Categoria en Ordenes de Trabajo
* Copyright (c) SUMTEC, S.L. 2010
* This unpublished material is proprietary to SUMTEC, S.L.
* Company. All rights reserved. The methods and techniques described
* herein are considered trade secrets and/or confidential. Reproduction
* or distribution, in whole or in part, is forbidden except by express
* written permission of SUMTEC, S.L.

#ifndef __B5648001_H
#define __B5648001_H

* TYPEDEF for Data Structure
* Template Name: Lee Opciones de Proceso de P48013
* Template ID: D5648001
* Generated: Thu May 20 13:46:01 2010
* To make modifications, use the OneWorld Data Structure
* Tool to Generate a revised version, and paste from
* the clipboard.

#ifndef DATASTRUCTURE_D5648001
#define DATASTRUCTURE_D5648001

typedef struct tagDSD5648001
char Version_VERS[11];
char TipoOrden_DCTO[3];
char UnidadMedida_UM[3];
char ColaBackscheduling_EV01;
char TipoWO_TYPS;
char PrioridadWO_PRTS;
char EstadoWO_SRST[3];
char FlagCentroCoste_EV06;
char TipoReferenciaCruzada_XRT[3];
char EstadoBloqueado_SRST[3];
char EstadoCambio_SRST[3];
char EstadoCancelado_SRST[3];
char EstadoCorte_SRST[3];
char CategoriaWO01_WR01[5];
char CategoriaWO02_WR02[4];
char CategoriaWO03_WR03[4];
char ActualizaCat01_UPCD[5];
char ActualizaCat02_UPCD[5];
char ActualizaCat03_UPCD[5];
char ActualizaCat04_UPCD[5];
char ActualizaCat05_UPCD[5];
char FlagRecalculo_EV02;
char FlagValidacionArticulo_EV08;
char CodigoBloqueoSO_HCOD[3];
char CodigoBloqueoPO_HOLD[3];
char FlagTipoLista_EV05;
char FlagTipoRuta_EV06;
char DisponibilidadLista_VERS[11];
char CreacionECOWO_V001[11];
char AsignacionNumeroSerie_V002[11];
char Rutas_V003[11];
char ListasPiezas_V004[11];
char Surtidos_V005[11];
char CoproductosSubproductos_EV01;
char TipoTransaccionEDI_TYTN[9];
} DSD5648001, *LPDSD5648001;

#define IDERRVersion_VERS_34 34L
#define IDERRTipoOrden_DCTO_35 35L
#define IDERRUnidadMedida_UM_36 36L
#define IDERRColaBackscheduling_EV01_37 37L
#define IDERRTipoWO_TYPS_38 38L
#define IDERRPrioridadWO_PRTS_39 39L
#define IDERREstadoWO_SRST_40 40L
#define IDERRFlagCentroCoste_EV06_41 41L
#define IDERRTipoReferenciaCruzada_XRT_42 42L
#define IDERREstadoBloqueado_SRST_43 43L
#define IDERREstadoCambio_SRST_44 44L
#define IDERREstadoCancelado_SRST_47 47L
#define IDERREstadoCorte_SRST_48 48L
#define IDERRCategoriaWO01_WR01_49 49L
#define IDERRCategoriaWO02_WR02_50 50L
#define IDERRCategoriaWO03_WR03_51 51L
#define IDERRActualizaCat01_UPCD_52 52L
#define IDERRActualizaCat02_UPCD_53 53L
#define IDERRActualizaCat03_UPCD_54 54L
#define IDERRActualizaCat04_UPCD_55 55L
#define IDERRActualizaCat05_UPCD_56 56L
#define IDERRFlagRecalculo_EV02_57 57L
#define IDERRFlagValidacionArticulo_EV08_58 58L
#define IDERRCodigoBloqueoSO_HCOD_59 59L
#define IDERRCodigoBloqueoPO_HOLD_60 60L
#define IDERRFlagTipoLista_EV05_61 61L
#define IDERRFlagTipoRuta_EV06_62 62L
#define IDERRDisponibilidadLista_VERS_63 63L
#define IDERRCreacionECOWO_V001_64 64L
#define IDERRAsignacionNumeroSerie_V002_65 65L
#define IDERRRutas_V003_66 66L
#define IDERRListasPiezas_V004_67 67L
#define IDERRSurtidos_V005_68 68L
#define IDERRCoproductosSubproductos_EV01_69 69L
#define IDERRTipoTransaccionEDI_TYTN_70 70L


* TYPEDEF for Data Structure
* Template Name: Manufacturing Work Order Processing
* Template ID: T48013
* Generated: Thu May 20 13:53:29 2010
* To make modifications, use the OneWorld Data Structure
* Tool to Generate a revised version, and paste from
* the clipboard.

#ifndef DATASTRUCTURE_T48013
#define DATASTRUCTURE_T48013

typedef struct tagDST48013
char szOrdertype[3];
char szUnitofmeasure[3];
char cTypewo;
char cPrioritywo;
char szStatuscodewo[3];
char szCategoriesworkorder001[5];
char szCategoriesworkorder002[4];
char szCategoriesworkorder003[4];
char szSOHoldCode[3];
char szPOHoldcode[3];
char szBillAvailVersion[11];
char cCreateCoByflag;
char szF4102CategoryCode1[5];
char szCrossReferenceTypeCode[3];
char szECOWOEntryVersion[11];
char szAssignSerialNosVersion[11];
char szHeldStatus[3];
char szChangeStatus[3];
char szCancelledStatus[3];
char szTypeTransaction[9];
char szCutoffStatus[3];
char cBillTypeflag;
char cRoutingTypeflag;
char cCostCenterFlag;
char cRecalculationFlag;
char cItemBranchFlag;
char szRoutingVersion[11];
char szPartsListVersion[11];
char szF4102CategoryCode2[5];
char szF4102CategoryCode3[5];
char cBackschedulingQueueHrsFlag;
char szMaterialIssuesVersion[11];
char Cat04WO_UPCD[5];
char Cat05WO_UPCD[5];
} DST48013, *LPDST48013;

#define IDERRszOrdertype_1 1L
#define IDERRszUnitofmeasure_2 2L
#define IDERRcTypewo_3 3L
#define IDERRcPrioritywo_4 4L
#define IDERRszStatuscodewo_5 5L
#define IDERRszCategoriesworkorder001_6 6L
#define IDERRszCategoriesworkorder002_7 7L
#define IDERRszCategoriesworkorder003_8 8L
#define IDERRszSOHoldCode_12 12L
#define IDERRszPOHoldcode_13 13L
#define IDERRszBillAvailVersion_16 16L
#define IDERRcCreateCoByflag_17 17L
#define IDERRszF4102CategoryCode1_23 23L
#define IDERRszCrossReferenceTypeCode_26 26L
#define IDERRszECOWOEntryVersion_27 27L
#define IDERRszAssignSerialNosVersion_28 28L
#define IDERRszHeldStatus_34 34L
#define IDERRszChangeStatus_35 35L
#define IDERRszCancelledStatus_36 36L
#define IDERRszTypeTransaction_37 37L
#define IDERRszCutoffStatus_38 38L
#define IDERRcBillTypeflag_39 39L
#define IDERRcRoutingTypeflag_40 40L
#define IDERRcCostCenterFlag_41 41L
#define IDERRcRecalculationFlag_42 42L
#define IDERRcItemBranchFlag_44 44L
#define IDERRszRoutingVersion_45 45L
#define IDERRszPartsListVersion_46 46L
#define IDERRszF4102CategoryCode2_47 47L
#define IDERRszF4102CategoryCode3_48 48L
#define IDERRcBackschedulingQueueHrsFlag_49 49L
#define IDERRszMaterialIssuesVersion_50 50L
#define IDERRCat04WO_UPCD_51 51L
#define IDERRCat05WO_UPCD_52 52L


* Source Preprocessor Definitions
#if defined (JDEBFRTN)

#if defined (WIN32)
#if defined (WIN32)
#define JDEBFRTN(r) __declspec(dllexport) r
#define JDEBFRTN(r) __declspec(dllimport) r
#define JDEBFRTN(r) r

* Business Function Prototypes
JDEBFRTN (ID) JDEBFWINAPI PORetrievalWOProcessin (LPBHVRCOM lpBhvrCom, LPVOID lpVoid, LPDSD5648001 lpDS);

* Internal Function Prototypes

#endif /* __B5648001_H */


Look that at the end of T48013 there are my 2 new Processing Options.

I duplicated the DLink original Bussines function, but when duplicating the data structure, I prefered to delete all the parameters andcreated my own ones with translated names (I'm spanish), to keep some order on them.

Hope this helps
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