E9.0 Multiple 01 Status PMs w/ Same Service Type



Client has a PM Backlog full of 01 status PMs with the same service type and equipment number (>400 per service type & equipment combo). I've watched a planner delete >10k of these records in the last 30 minutes. As you are aware, if I tried to manually create a duplicate 01 status PM for the same service type and equipment, the system would err out so I assume these are being created by the system. Do you have any theories as to how this is occurring? This is happening at multiple facilities for the client. Deleting all the existing 01 records appears to fix the problem going forward, but I'm interested as to how/why this has occurred.
Client has a PM Backlog full of 01 status PMs with the same service type and equipment number (>400 per service type & equipment combo). I've watched a planner delete >10k of these records in the last 30 minutes. As you are aware, if I tried to manually create a duplicate 01 status PM for the same service type and equipment, the system would err out so I assume these are being created by the system. Do you have any theories as to how this is occurring? This is happening at multiple facilities for the client. Deleting all the existing 01 records appears to fix the problem going forward, but I'm interested as to how/why this has occurred.
It appears all of these services have a model work order assigned that does not exist. Feel like this may be a contributing factor.
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